Business Astrology Horoscopes for august 2024

Buckle in babe. This month is going to test us, especially for those who have personal planets or a rising sign in the late degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Also, hold your Gemini and Virgo friends close since we’re kicking off August with a Mercury retrograde beginning on the new moon (August 4).

Luckily the first full week is nice and gentle, because from the 14-22 we’ll be faced with a period that I can only classify as instant karma. (I know karma isn’t really an instant thing but you all get the visual lol). On the 14th we’ll be met with a Mars and Jupiter conjunction in Gemini before the planet of division immediately moves into a square with Saturn in Pisces. Prepare for a quick burst of flames, accusations, and off the cuff decisions (also fueled by Mercury regressing into Leo) followed quickly by Saturn pulling up the receipts and setting the boundaries.

The impulsive energy of the month apexes with the Full Moon on the 19th. We’re met with two T-squares during this lunation. The first involves the Moon opposing the Sun and Mercury (Aquarius/Leo) as well as squaring Uranus which is still hanging out in Taurus. The second is between Saturn and Venus (Pisces/Virgo) who are squaring Mars and Jupiter down in Gemini. This second t-square will be the weaker of the two as most planets involved are in their fall, but boy will it be uncomfy! (Love that.)

This energy may tempt you to throw in the towel, completely pivot into a new direction or burn everything down in a desperate search towards stability. But these flash-in-the-pan changes won’t hold enough weight in the long run, so just keep cool. There’s literally no reason to make a business altering decision in August, better opportunities are on the horizon. Luckily by the end of the month most of the tension will begin to break away, and as Venus heads home to Libra we’ll be left in opportune weather for picking up the pieces and making amends.


If you have any ‘well this is just how I do things’ excuses, be prepared to have them challenged this month. If you’ve been searching for more creative and intuitive flows, take a look at your operating procedures and day to day activities. Where is your energy going? You’re being asked to look at this from a logical perspective. Put how you feel on the backburner for a moment, because what makes sense just makes sense. I know it’s hard, but the more you fall into a ‘I’m right’ mindset, the more you’ll get in your own way.


Pleasure and creativity may be in flow early in the month as research and new ideas you’ve been collecting begin to materialize. Let this be the time that you play and experiment, it’s going to be much harder to bring your new vision to fruition as the month progresses. As August gets underway, be mindful of creating busy work or any illusions around productivity. As the summer comes to a close you may find yourself settling back into a better routine and finding flow again.


If you’re not settled into your values and what you stand for, this month is really going to put that to the test. There may be some chatter from your local circles or family that almost takes you off course, but I urge you to stay grounded even when fight/flight is initiated. The energy this August is very make or break. For you, it brings the combined tarot energy of The Tower and The Hierophant but don’t let this scare you. Because at the end of it all you will find a soft place to land, perhaps a brand new vision to give birth to.


Finances, subscription services and contracts are brought into focus in August. There may be some surprises that come with recurring fees, additional terms and limits of service. While you’re reviewing your own internal profit and expense flows (if you don’t have systems set up or are behind this is a good time to get your shit together), take a moment to consider what processes your customers endure. What options do they have to pay you, are those linked clearly? Do you have any contractual language you use in your new client forms? If left unchecked, these systems will cause major disruptions.


Early in the month you may be hit with unexpected financial woes- costly repairs, incorrect billing addresses, mixed up payments. But remember your personal agency, give it a breather. This is not the time to make hasty decisions, but is the perfect opportunity to sort things out and correct any past mistakes. Additionally, you’ll likely be evaluating your current marketing streams. What feels good for you? What actually promotes your brand and core messaging? Give yourself to experiment new tactics without completely throwing away your brand or locking yourself into any serious changes. Write your big visions down instead of implementing them.


This month is asking you to take a step back and look at your brand and reputation. Are you working with clients that bring you joy? Are the services and products you offer making their greatest impact? Who have you been going to for business advice? And overall, what is this all for? If you’ve felt unaligned with certain aspects of your business, now is the time to start thinking analytically about what you wish to pull apart and reconstruct. But note- you aren’t meant to launch anything new or sign up for anything life-altering. 


Who do you follow? In August you’ll be asked to really reevaluate who is in your social orbit and who you have put on a pedestal. Learning from and following in the path of others are all instrumental parts of growth, but what biases do your leaders come with? What topics are discussed, what’s never to be mentioned? Take a moment to check in with your intuition about the folks in your circle. But be careful with your words and who you confide in, this month there’s an emphasis on miscommunication, and flames are always closer than you think. Be smart, don’t get burned.


In the middle of the month you may find an opportunity for growth that might seem too good to be true, but this is not a time to move hastily. Sit on this opportunity for at least a day, this expansion will quickly be met with some form of contraction. Never one to stay surface level, you like to dig and go deep with your work. But you may find yourself overwhelmed with baggage and deep bonds, especially with clients or business associates.


In mid through late August you’ll find customer acquisition, lead generation, and testimonials at the forefront. Things may feel tense or misleading in this area and your reputation may feel vulnerable. This is an important time to get really in tune with your brand. I’m reminded of the saying that goes ‘a friend to everyone is a friend to none.’ Having a solid footing under you that supports your ‘why’ and your mission, and isn’t there to people please, is how your business remains strong in times of uncertainty. 


If you’ve been attempting to implement new procedures or expanding into new schools of thought, you might be met with push back this month. Either it will be difficult to get the ball rolling or you will be faced with disagreements from others. This is not a good month to push your agenda forward. Instead take this time to slow down, figure out what boundaries may be needed and give your goals some space to develop.


You may find your creative endeavors limited this month due to unavoidable restraints. Bureaucratic red tape and stalling from others may hamper your usually quick and intellectual way of bringing visions into fruition. Perhaps this might serve as a good time to consider who you’re in partnership with, whether it be a formal business partner, landlord or friend's influence. Slowing down isn’t always unavoidable, but it’s also important to surround yourself with a functional team.


Lately, you’ve been feeling like you’re in a season of maturation, and this month is going to bring some big moments that test this process. Be mindful of any bad habits coming back into the fold, or falling back into ways of thinking that you’ve tried to shed. It will be tempting to be brought down by this month's tension, but remember that you’re stronger than you think. The growing pains you have been facing are only here to help you reach your next level. Show yourself some kindness, but don’t be a pushover.


Pisces Rising, Capricorn Midheaven


Capricorn Rising, Libra MidHeaven