Business Astrology: Lunar Eclipse in Libra

Oh the joys of eclipse season…. Always seen in pairs and occurring twice a year, eclipses serve as great disrupters, portals, and turning points.

On Monday, March 25 at 3 a.m. ET we were greeted with a lunar eclipse in Libra. The energy of this transit is serving as a precursor to the total solar eclipse happening on April 8 in the sign of Aries.

Now if you live in the northeast region like I do, you’ve probably heard A LOT about this upcoming solar eclipse. In Syracuse we are in its path of totality meaning, we will see the eclipse completely eclipsing the sun at about midday on April 8.

But right now, what we’re seeing with this libra lunar eclipse is kind of an initiation into what energies the upcoming solar eclipse is going to bring. Think of it as a portal that's opening.

The Medicine of this Eclipse

A major theme of this lunar eclipse is the idea of shedding, letting go, and stepping away from our comfort zone. This eclipse is happening on the south node, which is an astrological point that represents what comes easy to us. It’s what feels comfortable. It’s where our energy wants to resid, But the kicker is growth, enlightenment, and healing isn’t found in our comfort zone. This only happens when we leave.

And that's the wake up call eclipses give us. Wherever they’re happening in our charts, this is the place where we need to learn how to let go. We need to lessen our grip, finding space and distance instead.

The second big theme of this eclipse comes from the planet Venus. Libra is ruled by Venus so its significations of beauty, creativity, values, and relationships all come into play.

Right now the planet Venus is residing in Pisces, this is a sign of exhaltment for Venus. This is where the planet  feels the most honored and beloved. Which is giving an added emphasis on Venus' impact during this lunation.

What Does this Mean for Business?

Looking at your business, there’s a couple ways that we want to take this eclipse into consideration. Firstly, you want to look at your business chart and see what house libra is ruling. This is going to tell us what area of our business we’re shining a spotlight on. It’s where we’re being asked to let go.

Another thing that you want to reflect on are those significations of Venus. Think about your clients and your customers. Reflect on the values that you hold within your business. Really take stock of who your business partners and associates are. After facing the reality of your current situation, how aligned is your business to your ideals?

This is the time to stop talking the talk, and start walking the walk. And if you do the work now, the upcoming solar eclipse in Aries is going to be the perfect initiation into this fresh mindset. If you don’t? Get ready of a rude awakening.


Business Astrology: Aries Solar Eclipse


How To Use Astrology For Your Business