Stop overthinking your next move.

Get crystal-clear direction in 45 minutes.


Business Clarity Tarot Reading for Visionary Women Leaders & Entrepreneurs


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Market your magic, without squashing your intuitive nature.

Selling with Certainty

Crafted for mystics, healers, creatives, and community leaders

A live astrology reading of your business chart (delivered in beginner-friendly, zero-astro-knowledge-needed way), where you’ll get woo-infused strategy designed to bring your unique path into focus.


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Who TF Am I?

Emma Martens

Brand Identity Strategist and Professional Astrologer with a decade+ experience

An avid student of astrology since my teens and throughly obsessed with branding since, well forever (anyone else used to save pretty product boxes for no reason?), it wasn’t until 2022 when I started to explore the connection between businesses and their charts. Well, more specifically, with my freelance tarot reading business and it’s chart.

I was struggling to get sales outside of metaphysical fairs (posting ‘hey I’m a tarot reader’ on FB wasn’t moving the needle) and absorbing every free marketing webinar I could find in attempt to forge the right strategy. But I was so green to business that at the time I couldn’t even answer the most foundational questions: who was I selling to and why would they want my reading. There wasn’t a shred of certainty to be found.

All of that changed when I tapped into my businesses astrology chart. Suddenly I had a framework to help me flesh out those bigger brand questions and give me a sense of direction. It was like I found a personalized business blueprint.

This same ‘ooohhhhh that makes so much sense’ realization is what I live for in my Selling with Certainty readings. As an entrepreneurs we spend so much time in our head, it’s exhausting and often emotional. Sometimes all we need is a sign from the universe that yes, we’re moving in the right direction. That’s what this reading provides.

Spend less time worrying about if you’re taking the right steps and more time doing what you love

with your cosmic permission slip