Stop Waiting for Permission: A No-BS Guide to Personal Brand Confidence
You know that feeling? The one where you post and delete Threads about The Sims because even though it feels like you, you’re not sure if its the right you to share? Which leads you to wonder- which side of you should you be highlighting in your personal brand and also why can’t it be all the sides?? And instead of finding clarity, your personal brand confidence begins to nose dive…
Yeah, as a multi-passionate soul (aka manifesting generator lol) I've been there. Hell, I lived there for years. But through the past few years of me being a Consciously Online Person, I’ve learned a tip or two that helps push me through floundering and into assured action.
The Invisible Barrier: Waiting for Someone to "Choose" You
For the longest time, I dreamed of being that person. The talking head in documentaries. The go-to expert everyone turns to for guidance. But instead of making it happen, I was trapped in a cycle of fear and frustration, keeping my voice quiet and myself small.
I was frustrated watching other creatives seemingly effortlessly share their stories while I kept hitting pause on my own. No one was asking for my advice. No one was turning to me and saying, "Hey, what do you think?" And that shit burned.
The Mindset Shift: Give Yourself the Damn Permission Slip
Here's the real talk: Opportunities don't just magically fall into your lap. They happen when you reach out. When you apply. When you decide you're worth showing up for.
Want proof? I became a marketing coordinator for my local Pagan Pride event because I reached out. I'm working on a women's summit because I filled out an application. No magical fairy godmother of opportunities. Just me, making shit happen.
And to be transparent, I’m still not that ‘go-to-expert’ person! But I’m sure as hell a billion steps closer to becoming that by doing the work needed to make it happen- turning my thoughts into frameworks, building out my blog, volunteering for committees to flex my skills and gain a network.
None of this would have been possible if I hadn’t stepped up and claimed my personal agency.
Pro Tip: Nobody's Coming to Save You
The hard truth? No one is going to:
Discover your hidden talents
Recognize your genius
Pluck you out of obscurity
YOU have to make yourself visible. YOU have to give yourself permission.
The "Nobody's Watching" Liberation
Okay, so you’re doing The Things, you’ve claimed your agency- excellent! But sharing The Things… now that can be a different story.
Believe it or not, I’m a pretty shy and reserved person. Sharing isn’t a default for me. But I also know that I have a lot to say and I have a drive to make my work public.
Here's what changed everything for me: realizing that in the beginning, literally nobody is watching. And that's actually incredible news.
This means:
You can experiment without pressure
Typos? Who cares. Fix them later.
Want to write about branding in the music world and then change your mind? Do it.
Your only mistake is not starting at all.
Just. Fucking. Start.
Speaking of starting… Film that YouTube video. Post that reel. Send that newsletter – even if it's been six months. Your ideas will multiply once you begin creating. Trust me, I wrote one blog post about visual branding and suddenly had a dozen spin-off ideas I never would've discovered by just thinking about it.
You can sit in a place of contemplation, caught on the current of needing more research, and telling yourself ‘I’m not ready’… ready for what, may I ask? Truthfully, you don’t know what you don’t know. And the only way to find out is by trying. So just start, and figure it out as you go.
The Bottom Line
Stop waiting for external validation. Stop overthinking. Start doing.
Your voice matters. Your perspective is valuable. And the world needs what you have to offer – messy first drafts, typos, and all.
Now go write yourself that permission slip.