38 Questions to Unlock Your Multi-Passionate Potential in 2025

2025 is finally here, and if you’re anything like me (multi-passionate, always driven by a strong ‘why’, the special kind of ADHD that needs everything in eyesight for it to be real) the idea of setting up your game plan for the new year lures you in, but the executing ultimately leaves you frustrated and ready to flip your desk.

I’ve never been one for long term plans or setting resolutions. One of my favorite things about life is that so much of it is so deliciously unplanned… new people come into your life, new music is released, discovery can happen at any moment and set you on an entirely new course.

Setting Goals or Cultivating a Vibe?

But there is a part of me that wishes I had the clear-cut determination I see so many entrepreneurs harness- the ability to know exactly what they want and then set the course to achieve it. That’s why Grace Beverley’s approach to new year planning really stuck out to me- before deciding the goals she starts with prompts questions: who I want to be, how I want to live, and what I want to do.

Breaking this down into lifestyle factors meant my values and ‘why’ would be automatically centered in this approach. I didn’t have to set arbitrary goals based on what I think I should do- I could instead cultivate the vibe I want for my 2025. And this can be applied in all areas of life; just take one of the prompts and add ‘in business’ or ‘in friendships’ at the end of them and BAM!, you’re beginning to cultivate a specific vibe.

38-prompts for your 2025 blueprint

If you’re also looking to cultivate a vibe instead of just a big game plan for 2025 here are 38 prompts tailored to specific areas of life, so you can embrace everything you do. Grab your journal, open up Notion or copy and paste into a Doc and dig tf in.

1. Lifestyle & Environment

  • What kind of environment do I want to spend most of my time in? (city, countryside, nature, cozy apartment, minimalist space, etc.)

  • How do I want my home to feel (calm, inspiring, warm, organized)?

  • Do I want to live somewhere new, or stay where I am? If so, where and why?

  • What role does nature play in my life? Do I want more access to outdoor activities, green spaces, or solitude in nature?

2. Health & Wellbeing

  • How do I want to feel physically? (Energized, strong, healthy, flexible, etc.)

  • What is my routine for maintaining mental well-being? (Meditation, therapy, journaling, etc.)

  • How do I prioritize sleep, diet, and exercise in my daily life?

  • What does self-care look like for me?

3. Social & Relationships

  • What kind of relationships do I want to nurture (family, friends, romantic)?

  • How do I want to spend time with people? (Quality over quantity, one-on-one time, in groups, or in solitude?)

  • How do I want to communicate with others (open, honest, vulnerable, humorous)?

  • What kind of community do I want to be a part of? (Supportive, creative, adventurous, like-minded?)

4. Work & Purpose

  • How do I want to feel about my work/life balance? (Fulfilled, relaxed, motivated, intentional?)

  • What does a productive, satisfying day look like for me?

  • How do I integrate my personal passions into my daily work or activities?

  • Do I want to feel more focused or do I crave flexibility and variety?

5. Time & Space

  • How do I want to spend my free time? (Pursuing hobbies, learning, traveling, being creative?)

  • Do I want a more spontaneous or structured life?

  • How do I want to manage my time and energy? (More in tune with my needs, less rushed?)

  • How much time do I want to dedicate to relaxation or activities that recharge me?

6. Personal Growth & Learning

  • How do I want to challenge myself? (Learning new skills, overcoming fears, growing emotionally, spiritually, or intellectually?)

  • What kinds of books, media, or experiences do I want to engage with?

  • How do I want to feel when I look back at this year in terms of personal growth?

  • What new habits or routines do I want to cultivate?

7. Financial & Material

  • How do I want to feel about money in my life? (Secure, generous, abundant, minimalistic?)

  • How do I want to manage my finances? (Budgeting, saving, investing, spending intentionally?)

  • What material possessions or experiences do I want to prioritize in my life?

  • How do I want to contribute to others financially or support causes that matter to me?

8. Adventure & Exploration

  • How do I want to explore the world? (Travel, new hobbies, cultural experiences?)

  • What risks or new experiences do I want to take on?

  • How do I want to explore my inner world (personal reflections, travel of the mind, meditation, etc.)?

9. Values & Integrity

  • What values are most important to me, and how do I want to live by them daily?

  • How do I want to show up in the world? (Authentically, intentionally, fearlessly?)

  • How do I want to contribute to others, my community, or the world? (Through service, leadership, creativity?)

  • What are my non-negotiables in terms of my own well-being, relationships, and work?

10. Spirituality & Connection

  • How do I want to connect with something bigger than myself? (Religion, spirituality, philosophy, nature?)

  • How do I want to nurture a sense of meaning or purpose in my life?

  • What rituals or practices make me feel grounded or connected to my inner self?


Find Your Next Breakthrough


Your Signature Vibe: A Personal Brand’s Guide to Creating a Visual Identity


Lock-In & Level Up Your Business for 2025 | Winter Arc